Download Batman: Soul of the Dragon (2021) {English With Subtitles} BluRay 480p || 720p || 1080p
Movie Info:
- Full Name: Batman: Soul of the Dragon (2021)
- Language: English
- Subtitles: Yes (English)
- Size: 250MB, 550MB & 1.44GB
- Quality: 480p, 720p & 1080p – BluRay
- Format: Mkv
Batman, Bronze Tiger, Lady Shiva, and Richard Dragon join forces when they come to realize that they share a common acquaintance. The Martial Arts Master that trained them has been missing for a number of years and under mysterious circumstances. When a cursed relic resurfaces, the mystery of their dead master re-opens and Batman and his former classmates must face-off in the ultimate test of their Martial Arts kills to gain control of this dangerous relic.
Download Batman: Soul of the Dragon (2021)